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Welcome to India

Monday, March 1, 2010

7th Grade 'Stache

So somehow it is already March 1st. How that happened I don't know! I just talked to my 2 new sisters for the first time on skype and it's official: they are sooo incredibly cute and sooo full of energy. There is no stopping them :)
So on Saturday we (3 of my roommates and I) decided to test out this handicraft fair I had heard about from a girl at my field placement. I was thinking it was going to be some vendors with some homemade things...I don't know why I thought that. Ha! It was a crazy-ridiculous fair type thing! We went on a Saturday night and it was insane! This fair is open all February which is part of the reason that I didn't expect such a big crowd. So we arrived and there were sooo many vendors with info-merical type things. Also clothing and shoes and whatnot. So we went past the things just gazing in amazement at all the things when we arrived at the snack fair food items. Guess what we found?! 'American Sweet Corn' :) So of course we got some. It was so funny, they were selling popcorn, cotton candy, peppers and American sweet corn. They sold corn in a cup and then put all their spices on it...because Indians wouldn't be able to eat just sweet corn with salt and butter on it. Then we saw the rides. We decided that we would try the Ferris Wheel and then go back and buy stuff from the vendors. So we walk up to the ride and the wired walkway thing-up the steps and such-is crickety and shaky and super sketchy. We were feeling pretty good about the ride at this point... haha and so we hop on, 2 and 2 and start going. It felt kinda weird-just a wee tab bit scary but nothing really and we thought it was ok. Although when we looked down at the motor we could watch the sparks flying and the old motor running...a comforting image for sure. Then all of a sudden the ride speeds up a lot. and I'm talking a lot. And it was freaky-I was scared for my life. Who would have though that when I was in India one of the first times I've been scared for my life would be on a ferris wheel?! Hahaha I actually cried and screamed during part of it!
So yesterday I went and got my eyebrows done for the first time ever. That was a fun experience. I also found out they do chocolate facials at that same beauty parlour-whose pumped!?!!! I don't know when I am going but I definitely will at some point : ) Also on Sunday I went to another race. Hahahaha we found out about it on Saturday and ran it on Sunday. It was a 7Km and they were very excited to have internationals run the race. Alison, Annie & I ran it. It was Annie's first race : ) We got there at 6am and signed up and the race went off at 6:30 sharp. They didn't time us but they had people marking off the bib numbers as we passed so that you couldn't skip part of the course-it was straight out and then we turned around and ran back. So the course wasn't too good but everything else was good. The race was free which was amazing. Then afterward we all got a wonderful Indian breakfast then they had a ceremony. The top 10 got awards and so Alison & I ended up getting awards. I placed 9th and she got 10th. It was really neat because the 8 girls ahead of me all looked to be teenagers and so that was exciting to see younger girls running a race and running a good time which means they probably have been running regularly :) Exciting news for Mangalore.
Today...I've taken a few days to type this blog...I went to class and it turned out being really good. Our first class was canceled because the prof never showed up-for the 2nd day in a row-but then we had 2 classes for community development and organization. We finally got a new professor for that class-our old prof left right before midterms for a new job somewhere else-but this prof seems like she is going to be really good. We discussed social, economic, religious and other problems in communities.
And the title of my post-7th grade 'stache is because that is what we all feel like we are getting here. Hahaha the girls here-from America in my program-love to talk about how boys especially in 7th grade love growing facial hair-esp mustaches-and here we feel like we have sweat mustaches alllll the time-quite attractive indeed :) Just a beautiful part of having hot hot hot weather with high high high humidity. But I'm not trying to complain about the heat since at home its really cold and very snowy. We both are living in extremes right now :) Loooove it and loooove you all.

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